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Why Do My Dentures Smell So Bad?

June 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — keithfisherdds @ 8:12 pm
Dentures soaking in a glass of liquid

Denture odor can be a frustrating mystery to try and solve. Not only is it sometimes hard to tell why your dentures aren’t as fresh as you’d like, it can be even harder to figure out how to make them smell better!

If you wear dentures and they’re not as pleasant as you’d prefer, here are a few things that could be causing them to reek.

Causes of Denture Odor

Cleaning Habits

One of the main causes of denture odor is poor cleaning habits. Maybe you’re soaking them but not brushing and flossing consistently, or maybe you’re only cleaning them every few days. No matter the shortcut you may be taking, remember that just because they look clean and can’t get cavities doesn’t mean that you don’t need to properly clean them on a regular basis.

If you are doing your due diligence to keep your dentures as clean as possible and still experiencing unpleasant odors, you may want to consider upgrading to an ultrasonic denture cleaner. These devices use controlled sound waves in conjunction with liquid cleanser to vibrate your dentures clean.

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are another common culprit when it comes to bad smelling dentures. While you don’t need to pass on your favorite seasonings, be aware that you may need to clean your dentures a little more diligently after you eat.

Damaged Dentures

Unfortunately, sometimes with age or improper moisture, your dentures can become cracked or dried out, allowing bad odors from food or plaque to become trapped inside. When this happens, it is usually time to replace your dentures, as this type of damage cannot be repaired.


Staying hydrated is good for the body, but it’s also good for your dentures. When your mouth dries out it can be easy for plaque, food particles, and bacteria to linger, causing bad breath and foul-smelling dentures. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to keep your dentures moisturized and your breath smelling fresh.

See Your Dentist

If you have tried making lifestyle modifications and are still dealing with unpleasant smelling dentures, it’s time to pay a visit to the dentist for an evaluation. Your dentist can assess your oral health as well as the health of your dentures and help uncover any hidden causes of odor, so you can get back to breathing easy without covering your mouth!

About Dr. Fisher

David M. Fisher, Jr. DDS has been practicing dentistry for over 20 years, with a keen interest in aesthetic dentistry. He enjoys helping people find the confidence to show their smile to the world while helping them to improve their oral and overall health.

For a cosmetic, general, or restoration dentistry appointment (even if you wear dentures) visit our website or call 336-203-8884.

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