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Foods To Avoid with Your New Dentures

June 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — keithfisherdds @ 8:19 pm
Older woman cutting fruit

Replacing missing or damaged teeth with dentures is a great way to improve your smile. It can also benefit you in myriad other ways, including boosting your self-esteem, helping to maintain the structural integrity of your jawbone, and of course, allowing you to chew many of the foods you enjoy.

Unfortunately, however, while they are durable, dentures simply do not have the same biteforce as your natural teeth, or as other methods of dental prosthetics such as dental implants or implant dentures. Thus, you should be careful when planning your menu. Here are a few foods that you should definitely skip.

Foods To Avoid with Dentures

  • Gum: Though it can neutralize bad breath and plaque acid, chewing gum can get stuck to your dentures, making them difficult to clean and trapping bacteria and germs in them.
  • Popcorn: The hulls from the corn kernels can often be too crunchy for dentures, and can even get stuck between the crowns, just like they do with natural teeth.
  • Steak or any tough or chewy meats: It can be difficult to chew tougher cuts of meat, so it is recommended that you stick to softer meats or stewed meats which tend to be easier to break down.
  • Sticky candy: Sticky candy is bad for natural teeth, too, but it can be especially dangerous for dentures because it can be difficult to clean.
  • Nuts: While good for you, nuts can be dangerous for dentures, and have been known to crack back molars.
  • Staining beverages like red wine and coffee: Your dentures are just as likely to become stained by dark fluids as natural teeth are, and in the case of drinks like coffee or cola, the caffeine acts as a diuretic, which can cause dry mouth. This can make wearing dentures uncomfortable or even dry out, which can cause permanent damage.
  • Hard fruits and raw vegetables: Don’t give up on fruits and vegetables entirely. If you want to enjoy your favorites, just cut them into small, manageable pieces that are easier to chew, or in the case of veggies, steam or roast them so they are softer.

Other Options

It can be frustrating to have to give up the foods you’ve always enjoyed when getting a new pair of dentures, but replacing lost teeth doesn’t have to mean the end of your favorite meals. Other options such as dental implants and implant dentures allow for a stronger biteforce and more secure attachment than traditional dentures. They’re also easier to care for, and require less maintenance, making them a better investment overall.

If you’re ready to start enjoying the foods you love again and are interested in traditional dentures, implant dentures, or dental implants, speak to your dentist about your options. Bon Appetit!

About Dr. Fisher

Dr. David M. Fisher, Jr. has developed a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry in his over 20 years in practice. He enjoys making and seeing his patients smile, whether it’s from a clean, healthy mouth, sparkly veneers, or a new set of dentures.

To improve your oral health and your confidence with Dr. Fisher, visit our website or call us at 336-203-8884.

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